Monday, December 30, 2019

Cómo completar las planillas de Inmigración

Las peticiones al Servicio de Inmigracià ³n y Naturalizacià ³n (USCIS, siglas en inglà ©s), se hacen rellenando la planilla correspondiente al beneficio que se solicita. Cà ³mo obtener las planillas de Inmigracià ³n Los formularios para solicitar beneficios migratorios son gratuitos. Casi todos pueden encontrarse en internet en la pà ¡gina del USCIS. Ademà ¡s, las personas que residen en Estados Unidos pueden tambià ©n solicitar por internet en la pà ¡gina de USCIS que se les envà ­en por correo ordinario los formularios. Tambià ©n se puede realizar la misma solicitud marcando al 1-800-870-3676. Es requisito saber quà © nà ºmero de formulario es el que precisa. En un plazo de 10 dà ­as se recibirà ¡ en casa la planilla solicitada. Todos los formularios se pueden rellenar en papel y, algunos, tambià ©n pueden ser completados y/o enviados por internet. 9 tips para rellenar las planillas en papel de Inmigracià ³n Las reglas generales que deben seguirse son las siguientes: Escribir con tinta negra, preferentemente en letras mayà ºsculas y que puedan fà ¡cilmente leerse. Para espacio adicional, si para contestar a alguna pregunta de la planilla se necesita mà ¡s espacio, tomar una hoja en blanco y seguir con la respuesta. Ademà ¡s, firmar esa hoja, ponerle fecha, y el nà ºmero de la pregunta que se està ¡ respondiendo. En el caso de que se tenga un nà ºmero del alien registration number, deberà ¡ tambià ©n incluirse en dicha hoja adicional. Cuando una pregunta no aplique, responder N/A y cuando la respuesta correcta sea â€Å"ninguno†, anotar NONE. Pero no dejar en blanco ese espacio. Para adjuntar la documentacià ³n adicional, como pueden ser pasaportes, tarjetas de residencia, certificados de matrimonio, calificaciones escolares o profesionales, etc. Salvo que se especifique otra cosa, es suficiente adjuntar una fotocopia legible de los documentos. Es recomendable leer con detenimiento las instrucciones de cada formulario. Cabe destacar que si no es necesario enviar el original de un documento pero se envà ­a, USCIS no lo regresa. Debe traducirse al inglà ©s todo documentos que està © en otro idioma. En la mayorà ­a de los casos, no es necesario contratar a un traductor jurado, ni obtener la Apostilla de la Haya ni la firma de un notario pà ºblico. Como regla general, es suficiente que la traduccià ³n la realice una persona con buen conocimiento de los dos idiomas y que asà ­ lo certifique siguiendo este modelo de carta. El pago puede hacerse por money order o cheque o tarjeta de dà ©bito o crà ©dito. En este à ºltimo caso, solo si se envà ­a una solicitud a un lockbox de USCIS. En algunos casos, como en la solicitud I-131A de aplicacià ³n de documento para viajar, es posible pagar online. Si se paga mediante money order o cheque, debe ser pagable a U.S. Department of Homeland Security, por una cantidad en dà ³lares y el cheque o la money order debe ser de un banco radicado en Estados Unidos. Es muy importante no utilizar iniciales. Es decir, no escribir cosas como DHS o USCIS.   Precisamente la verificacià ³n de que se ha efectuado el pago es una de las primeras seà ±ales de que la oficina de inmigracià ³n ha recibido la peticià ³n. Si se desea pagar con una tarjeta de crà ©dito o dà ©bito Visa, MasterCard, American Express o Discovery debe completarse el formulario G-1450. Si cuando USCIS intenta cobrar no hay fondos suficientes, se rechazarà ¡ la solicitud ya que no intentarà ¡ el cobro una segunda vez. Para pagar con tarjeta de crà ©dito o dà ©bito debe tratarse de una peticià ³n o solicitud enviada a un lockbox de USCIS. Como ejemplo de dichas peticiones destacan I-130 para peticià ³n de familiar, I-485 para ajuste de estatus, N-400 para solicitar la ciudadanà ­a estadounidense por naturalizacià ³n, etc. Todos los documentos deben firmarse, se puede firmar en tinta azul o negra. Pero recordar que el formulario solo se puede completar en tinta de color negra. Bajo ningà ºn concepto utilizar colores tipo verde, rojo, etc., ya que la peticià ³n serà ¡ rechazada. Verificar si se califica para no pagar la tarifa  al USCIS. En casos muy especà ­ficos, puede solicitarse a USCIS no pagar por la cuota de una solicitud cuando pueda alegarse problemas econà ³micos y se està ¡n recibiendo beneficios como Medicaid, cupones de alimentos (SNAP), SSI o TANF. Mentir en una planilla para obtener un beneficio migratorio es un fraude de ley que puede tener  consecuencias graves. Planillas que pueden rellenarse electrà ³nicamente El USCIS permite que se completen por internet ciertas planillas en lo que se conoce como e-filing. Entre las planillas que pueden rellenarse electrà ³nicamente destacan el AR-11 para notificar el cambio de domicilio, el I-90 para reemplazar la tarjeta de residencia, el N-400 para solicitar la ciudadanà ­a estadounidense por naturalizacià ³n o el N-600 para la aplicacià ³n de la emisià ³n del Certificado de Ciudadanà ­a. Para completar de este modo las planillas serà ¡ necesario crearse previamente una cuenta en la pà ¡gina web del USCIS y seguir las instrucciones pertinentes para cada formulario. En estos casos de e-filing, el pago por la solicitud a la que se aplica puede hacerse mediante tarjeta de crà ©dito, dà ©bito o transferencia bancaria desde una cuenta corriente o de ahorro. Al acabar de rellenar el formulario se recibirà ¡ una confirmacià ³n de que el USCIS ha recibido la aplicacià ³n. En esa confirmacià ³n aparecerà ¡ una direccià ³n. Debe enviarse a dicha direccià ³n la documentacià ³n adicional que se necesita en los 7 dà ­as siguientes a haber rellenado la solicitud por internet. Estos documentos que deben adjuntarse està ¡n los que prueban la identidad de la persona que realiza la peticià ³n y tambià ©n su derecho al beneficio que solicita. Por ejemplo, copia de la tarjeta de residencia o de un certificado de nacimiento o matrimonio. El tipo de documentacià ³n adicional depende del tipo de solicitud. En general, serà ¡ suficiente una fotocopia legible del documento que se solicita y, si algà ºn documento està ¡ en un idioma distinto al inglà ©s, enviarlo traducido. Ademà ¡s hay que incluir como primera pà ¡gina la pà ¡gina en la que se ha imprimido la confirmacià ³n de haber realizado la peticià ³n por internet –sà ³lo esa hoja, no copias de toda la solicitud. En los casos en los que tambià ©n se deba enviar fotografà ­as en color tipo pasaporte, estas deben reunir los mismos requisitos que las fotos que se piden cuando se solicita una visa o pasaporte. Deben de tener menos de 30 dà ­as y anotar en el reverso con un là ¡piz el nà ºmero de confirmacià ³n de la solicitud rellenada por internet y, en los casos en los que sea necesario, el nà ºmero que corresponda al alien registration number. Si no se envà ­an estos documentos, es posible que se cancele la peticià ³n. En algunos casos, se recibirà ¡ una cara de Peticià ³n de Evidencia (RFE, siglas en inglà ©s) pidiendo la documentacià ³n y fijando un plazo para no enviarla. Sin esos documentos no se tramitarà ¡ la peticià ³n y se perderà ¡ el dinero ya abonado. Asesorà ­a para completar las planillas de Inmigracià ³n Si se desea obtener un beneficio migratorio es muy importante estar correctamente asesorado con un buen abogado. Si no se puede pagar, existen organizaciones reputadas que brindan ayuda para llenar los formularios migratorios. En el caso de ser mexicano, se puede llamar a un telà ©fono de consulta donde dan buenas referencias sobre donde buscar ayuda para estos casos. Cà ³mo seguir un caso migratorio Una vez que el USCIS recibe la papelerà ­a, la persona interesada tiene a su disposicià ³n distintas  maneras para informarse de cà ³mo va el caso, desde marcando a seguimiento online o a presentarse en una oficina migratoria. Sin embargo, cabe destacar que los formularios tienen un tiempo de tramitacià ³n que depende de su categorà ­a y de la oficina que debe tramitarlo. USCIS no darà ¡ ninguna informacià ³n mientras no llega el tiempo de procesamiento porque, sencillamente, no tiene nada de lo que brindar informacià ³n. Puntos Clave: rellenar formularios de USCIS Los formularios de USCIS pueden obtenerse gratuitamente en la pà ¡gina oficial del Servicio de Inmigracià ³n.Los formularios pueden ser en papel y, en algunas solicitudes, es posible utilizar el sistema e-filing, es decir, solicitar un beneficio o presentar una peticià ³n por internet.Todos los formularios deben firmarse.Los formularios en papel deben completarse en tinta negra, escribir N/A como respuesta a las preguntas que no aplican y NONE cuando la respuesta sea ninguno.Pueden aà ±adirse hojas en blanco para incorporar mà ¡s informacià ³n.Toda la documentacià ³n adjunta debe traducirse al inglà ©s, si estuviera en un idioma distintoEn principio, no debe enviarse documentacià ³n original y es suficiente copia legible.Puede pagarse con money order, cheque o tarjeta de crà ©dito o dà ©bito.Mentir en un formulario de USCIS para obtener un beneficio migratorio es un fraude de ley, el cual tiene consecuencias graves. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal para ningà ºn caso concreto.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Research Methods Are Based On Aims And Understanding The...

1. Qualitive research methods are based on aims and understanding the world through ideas, beliefs, practices and values, they do this by using the term meaning over measurement. Qualitive researchers try to understand society by analysing feeling and words rather than numbers and data. However unlike Quantitive researchers they use the scientific approach and believe that the world can be proved using number and percentages. I have chosen to use Qualitive research because I think it is a better way of understanding the world because I think it is the most appropriate way of knowing what people’s experiences and attitudes of the world are. For instance methods such as interviews, conversation and focus groups which create a nice environment for people to discuss their feelings and beliefs on a certain topic. With all the information you have gathered from a focus group, you then can take that information to create a hypothesis. Then from there you can come up with a theory; however it won’t necessarily prove anything to an exact it will only come from what we have all ready experienced in our lives. Whereas Qualitive approach would take a survey on how much, or how much and this method would then prove evidence by data. The use of rigorous qualitative research methods can enhance the development of quality measures the development and dissemination of comparative quality reports as well as quality improvement efforts , Sofaer’(2002) . Also in my opinion I believe thatShow MoreRelatedSociology as a Science Essay1149 Words   |  5 Pagesreason, experience and experiment to the natural and social world. Sociologists approached the study of society and change by using scientific means as they were inspired by the recognition of the value of scientific principles and procedures. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

Illegal Immigration in America (Persuasive Essay) Free Essays

Illegal immigration in America Immigrating to America is a benefit and good because it allows people to seek a new job, new life and have access to a brighter future for example, the pilgrims on the Mayflower. They immigrated to America for a new life and a brighter future. Immigrants, both legal and illegal continue to immigrate to the United States of America for opportunities. We will write a custom essay sample on Illegal Immigration in America (Persuasive Essay) or any similar topic only for you Order Now But illegal immigrants have a good and bad effect to the economy and the country. For example illegal immigrants are committing a crime. In most instances, they did not apply for a visa at a U. S. Consulate, they did not pay the visa application fees, they were not interviewed for worthiness to enter the U. S. , their backgrounds were not checked to see if they were dangerous criminals or narcotics traffickers and they obviously failed to respect the U. S. ‘s laws. Furthermore, they often times illegally work in the U. S. , and they steal or illegally use somebody else’s Social Security number to gain employment. Therefore, many times an illegal alien breaks three federal laws. They work for wages much less than the going-American wage, which results in lower wages for the people who compete against them and need better wages the most – working class US citizens and legal residents. This results in many Americans earning less money and paying less taxes than they should, and further grows the ever-increasing wealth gap between the rich and the poor and negatively impacts the federal budget deficit. A great number of illegal aliens also bring dangerous drugs, such as cocaine, heroin and methamphetamine. Illegal alien, Mexican national narcotics traffickers, for example, dominate the distribution of those drugs through-out most regions of the U. S. , except for South Florida and New England. 33% of all prisoners in federal penitentiaries are foreign nationals, and most of them are incarcerated for drug trafficking. The conclusion is that illegal immigration is not good because of trafficking, import on drugs and illegal immigrants committing crime. Plus the wages for the illegal immigrants are lower than the legal immigrants. How to cite Illegal Immigration in America (Persuasive Essay), Essays

Friday, December 6, 2019

Acceptance free essay sample

I was lying down, resting. I felt my tongue in my mouth and it was dry, so I got up to get a bottle of water from the fridge to quench my thirst. As I got up he came in, my dad, my Abba, he was gone for so long on his business trip. He was gone so long that I had thought he died. First thing I did was give him a giant hug, squeezing him while his beard poked me in the neck. We caught up. I told him about the Jewish Day School, Shalhevet, that I was going to because that’s what he wanted, talked about my bar mitzvah, and about all my friends at school. There was something I needed to remember. When I finally realized what it was I started crying but I didn’t care. I knew it was a dream, but I stayed with him as long as I could because I didn’t know how long I had or if I would ever see him again. We will write a custom essay sample on Acceptance or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I was twelve when I said goodbye. I was the last person from my family to see him. I’ve had to cope with this pain for five years. When I say cope I mean it, because when you lose someone you don’t get over the pain, all you can do is miss him or her less. The hardest part of this tragedy was that I barely knew him. I was not close to my dad; in fact it was that year, 6th grade, when I began to know who my dad was. This college application process has brought many things in to the light for me. There were questions about my parents and I could answer most of them for my mom just fine, but when it came to my dad I couldn’t even fill out his name because I didn’t know it. This is not a case of repression or memory encoding failure, the fact was plain and simple, I didn’t know my father. The easiest part for me was the time right when he passed. In hindsight, I realize what I did was extremely unhealthy but I developed some of my best ideas during this time and since I entered high school I haven’t been able to tap in to that part of my mind until recently. The time after his death, I shut down. I, almost literally, became a robot. I developed a logical standpoint on everything in my life. The way that I dealt with my pain was with a simple mantra: â€Å"He had to die so that I could reach my full potential.† I know that I have not reached my full potential, yet. I am still discovering who I am. I am growing, maturing, learning and I owe it to the stranger I called Abba. He was the toughest person I knew, my role model. I love him even now and thanks to him my life will never be the same. This isn’t anger or sadness, but this is acceptance and gratitude because I would not be the person I am today without him, MY DAD. Acceptance free essay sample Peering inside the small, dark space, I saw only bills. Our plain white mailbox had received the majority of my attention for nearly three weeks, as my 11th birthday approached. The envelope I was going to receive would arrive any day, bearing its emerald ink and curvy handwriting. My name wasn’t Harry Potter, but I was expecting my letter of acceptance to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to read similarly to his. For years I felt like an outcast; I didn’t know who I was, or who I was supposed to become. Set apart from the kids I knew at school by my mismatched socks and unkempt hair, I was an outsidereven to myself. I was different, and as a result, I was ashamed. Uncomfortable in my own tan skin, I spent my summers in the fictional world J.K. Rowling created, a world I undoubtedly belonged in. We will write a custom essay sample on Acceptance or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I wanted to be in a place where it was ordinary to see a flying car or a three headed dog, where the eccentric and strange were normal, the weird and the extraordinary acceptable. It would mean that everything I embodied and everything I stood for was okay. As Harry’s story progressed, so did my self exploration. His lightening-bolt scar became a beacon of hope for the wizarding world, and for me as well. He didn’t hide the jagged wound branded on his forehead; it was a mark of character and strength. Things weren’t easy for HarryVoldemort made sure of that, but the scar never faded. Slowly I became acquainted with myself, my dreams and my talents. I loved my red cowgirl boots and my purple leggings; I loved that they made me me. I learned to face the pressures of school, proudly wearing my lucky socks in gym and eating tomato sandwiches at snack time. I embraced what set me apartmy unrelenting geekdom. Rowling helped me find myself through Latin-based spells and bubbling potions, but it was Harry who sustained me through my gawky adolescence. I learned not to hide who I am because my spirit was a gift. What set me apart became a pivotal part of my character, and people learned to love it. As my high school transcript clearly demonstrates, my letter never came. Instead, Hogwarts sent me a sense of self. I was empowered by my own desires and imagination ignited by cauldrons and quidditch. Now, I am decisive in my decisions and firm in my beliefs, which will allow me to grow into a proud, responsible member of society. I’m lucky I found all of this for myselfa Hogwarts post-owl would never have been able to carry it all the way from London.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

The Happiest Day in My Life free essay sample

I was sitting in my room after finishing my home work. As my friends were away to hill stations, I was feeling very lonely. I watched the cars and other vehicles passing by and wished that like my friends, I would also have been travelling or passing my time. While my mind was occupied with thoughts of holidays and having fun with my friends, the door bell rang. I ran to answer it and found the postman with a parcel and a letter for me. I signed the paper and took the parcel. My hands were itching to open the packet as my curiosity knew no bounds. I ripped the parcel open and found a beautiful tape recorder in it. The parcel had been sent from the United States and the letter along with it was from my uncle who had sent me that wonderful gift. However, even more joy than receiving the tape recorder was the letter which my uncle had written. We will write a custom essay sample on The Happiest Day in My Life or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The letter was an invitation to go to the United States for my holidays. My uncle had arranged everything for me-the tickets and the visa, and I already had a passport. My heart skipped several beats as I ran to give this great news to my mother. She was taken aback initially and her first reaction was not so positive. However, she thought about it, consulted my father who was at his office and they both agreed to allow me to go to the United States to spend the rest of my holidays with my uncle. I jumped from room to room and started packing my clothes, my toys, my books and other articles that I would need on the flight and in America. My mind was filled with various ideas about how I would spend my time with my cousins. I started dreaming about Disney world, Universal studios, the Statue of Liberty, the Grand Canyon and all the other tourist attractions that I had read about in magazines. My father took me shopping the same day because he felt that I would need some more things to take with me. We bought gifts for my cousins and my uncle and aunt and when I came back home my cupboard was full of new clothes, shoes, gifts, etc. Since I had not expected any such thing to happen to me, and I had been feeling sorry for myself, this offer came as a great surprise. This was indeed the happiest day of my life and I dont think I shall ever forget it as long as I live.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Adaptable organizations, that are capable of changing and successfully evolving, are like gardens Essay Example

Adaptable organizations, that are capable of changing and successfully evolving, are like gardens Essay Example Adaptable organizations, that are capable of changing and successfully evolving, are like gardens Paper Adaptable organizations, that are capable of changing and successfully evolving, are like gardens Paper Senge, (1998), in attributing the characteristics of a garden to adaptable organizations, is indeed true and can be asserted since a number of researchers (Anson, 2000; Bass, 2000; Lebrasseur, Whissell, Ojha, 2002; Mclagan, 2002; Higdon, 2003; Fried, Bruce 2006) support this view. An organization, like a garden, needs to be improved, maintained, and developed in order to become sustainable and capable of attracting customers that contribute to their success. Many organizations aimed at becoming more adaptable and flexible in their management approaches and strategies that goes along transformational change, which requires redesigning organizational culture, beliefs and norms in which effective decisions and actions are based (Anson, 2000, p. 24; Mclagan, 2002, p. 47). Adaptable organizations are more likely to gain competitive advantage if they are able to effectively manage change and continuously evolve to meet the challenges of increased competition in the marketplace. For instance, hospitals have recognized the need for technological innovation and management of change in order to cater to the changing needs of patients and demands of the healthcare industry and its environment (Fennell Alexander, 1993). Technological innovation is another important factor that contributes to organization’s change initiative. Information technology (IT) is capable of creating powerful actors in the global business world but it can also lead to a dramatic failure if companies lack skills in managing both internal and external influences, application and maintenance expertise, and change capability. Therefore, it should be combined with other innovations to create intangible assets like intellectual property and to increase organizations’ responsive capacity for long term benefits and better business process outcome (Laudeman, 2005). Â  IT innovation has helped organizations to overcome operation problems and revolutionize knowledge and information (Barry Slater 2005). For example, hospitals invested on advanced technology to provide access to data and information, strengthen initiatives in community activities and program implementation, reduce the patients’ waiting time, promote wise expenditures, devise better means of accommodating new patients, develop effective budgetary schemes, and improve performance-based human resource (HR) management (Fried 2006, p. 154). Collaboration, information-intensity, high standards, productivity, effective time management, sufficient financial resources, exceptional technical skills, competitiveness, and reflexivity should be readily available when adopting technological innovation since technology alone does not guarantee success (Laudeman, 2005). In addition managers must also deal with HR management, population ecology, institutional theory, and strategic choice to enhance organizational performance (Fennell Alexander, 1993, p. 90). The evolution of organizations in the healthcare industry has showed changes, especially in restructuring the patient-care delivery. HR professionals have moved to strategic roles and become partners and agents for culture change that enabled hospitals to ensure continued growth and financial stability (Anson 2000, p. 33). Healthcare organizations, in general, have evolved and they actually continue to evolve since the last half of the twentieth century due to the necessity of shifting from individualized system or patient-physician relationships to providing care by the organization itself, focusing on the role of medical professionals and practitioners, identifying ways to ensure performance, and observing federal and state regulations (Fennell and Alexander 1993, p. 90). In conclusion, organizations’ success in all industries depends on their capacity to evolve and adapt to the different challenges of the factors that affect business processes brought by inevitable change. Organizations have to undergo change and innovation to adapt to their environment and internal aspect just as gardens have to be improved to attract more people. References Anson, B. R. (2000). Taking Charge of Change in a Volatile Healthcare Marketplace. Human Resource Planning 23(4), 21-36. Barry, A. Slater, D. (eds.) (2005). The Technological Economy. New York: Routledge, 10, 158. Bass, B. M. (2000). The Future of Leadership in Learning Organizations. Journal of Leadership Studies 7(3), 18. Fennell, M. L. and Alexander, J. A. (1993). Perspectives on Organizational Change in the US Medical Care Sector. Annual Review of Sociology 19, 89-103. Fried, B. J. (2006). Prescription for Excellence: How Innovation Is Saving Canadas Healthcare System. American Review of Canadian Studies 36(1), 152-155. Higdon, L. I. Jr. (2003). Change from Within: The Challenge of Shaping the Institutional Culture. Liberal Education 89(1), 64-66. Laudeman, G. (2005). Information Technology and Community-Level Socio-Economic Development. Â  Journal of the Community Development Society 36(1), 41+. Lebrasseur, R., Whissell, R., Ojha, A. (2002). Organisational Learning, Transformational Leadership and Implementation of Continuous Quality Improvement in Canadian Hospitals. Australian Journal of Management 27(2), 141-162. Mclagan, P. A. (2002). Success with Change. TD 56(12) (December), 44-54.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

FINAL 2 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

FINAL 2 - Assignment Example 1838 saw Pennington officiate at the wedding of Frederick Douglass and Anna Murray. In the 1840s and 1850s, Pennington preached under congregational African churches in New York, which ended up giving him international recognition as an antislavery orator, as well as a civil rights activist (Alexander & Walter 500). In addition to his numerous sermons as well as speeches, Pennington in 1841 authored what is thought to have been one of first textbooks on African American history, The History, and Origin of the Colored People. Pennington’s autobiographical account was then published under the title The Fugitive Blacksmith in 1849. James Pennington died in 1870 and was aged 63. Pennington in his memoir The Fugitive Blacksmith uses his life account to condemn the act of slavery; with involvements with the Abolitionist movement. He traces his convictions that claim slavery is immoral, and the basis of his argument is on what he saw as a young man on the horrors that were inflicted on his father. While Pennington’s father was tending to shepherd duties, he saw his master come and beat his father mercilessly for something that was trivial and that sight never left Pennington the same again. Sometime after the cruel event that happened to his father, Pennington decided that he did not want to be a slave and opted to find a way to freedom (Alexander & Walter 501). In his quest for freedom, Pennington spent day’s hungry and faced lots of terror on his way northward in order to escape slavery. One moral dilemma Pennington had been he could lay and thus claiming he was free in order to avoid being returned to his masters as he journeyed north. The mor e he lied the more they believed him, and as a result, Pennington found a chance to escape as he continued his journey. On arrival in Pennsylvania Pennington who was starved and exhausted had an encounter with a woman who offered him help with food, clothing, and shelter.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Report discussing Spotify's strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Report discussing Spotify's strategy - Essay Example Spotify should use current technology to be stable and compete with the other companies. Introduction Spotify is a Swedish online streaming company offering online music service to the user that they can stream up to 15 million tracks on demand by using unique technology. It still lags behind after Pandora as a market leader. Spotify also introduced lightweight software, which allows an instant listening to albums and tracks without buffering delay. Consumers subscribe monthly premium to access the service. Spotify paid free subscriptions to everyone in order to expand the rate of service (Gammons, 2012). The company offered free accounts and opened free registration in United Kingdom. Spotify closed opened registration when Spotify mobile service was released. Technology is a growing necessity in all types of businesses. As time goes, people learn the importance of technology one by one. This make it impossible to separate technology from the people as it is necessary in day-to-day activities. Technology in Spotify has brought tremendous growth in the company through advertising. Sporty can post their new services online to create new revenue streams and new markets. Technology is also important in decision-making process leading business managers and chief executive officers to focus on innovation in business (Marshall, 2012). Spotify has divided the digital music industry into two submarkets; digital download market consisting of Amazon and iTunes and streaming market which has many competitors. According to the study conducted in 2011, the revenue of digital music industry has grown by 8%. The growth rate of streaming market is greater than that of the download market. Streaming market generates 10% of the revenue of digital music industry (Marshall, 2012). Many companies with similar business models operate in streaming industry leading to strong competition in the market. Companies can only be differentiated from each other by; features regions of operati ons, variations in packaging and licensing of music libraries. The costs of switching from one streaming service to another are very high. This has created a limited compatibility and transfer between the streaming services. The streaming companies are trying to include network effects in their services by introducing social components. Users are granted permissions to create collaborative playlists, they can follow what other people, and friends are listening on the network (Daft, 2011). Network effect adds value to the services leading to attraction of more clients. Streaming companies has essential partners and record labels are natural which creates ready market with strong indirect network effects. Availability of content is important to attraction of customers. When there is large music in the library, the streaming service will be much popular. The streaming industry is a two-sided market where companies should create virtuous circle between customers and record labels. When the subscribers and users are more in a service, there should be more labels having their music recorded on the services. This will lead to attraction of more customers to the larger library available. On the other hand, it is expensive to obtain streaming rights to a large library for successful streaming of services. The primary tactic on how to gain market share is

Monday, November 18, 2019

The advantages of getting a good knowledge and learning in community Term Paper

The advantages of getting a good knowledge and learning in community - Term Paper Example One of the main advantages of getting a good knowledge and learning in the community is the reduction in illiteracy. Reduction in illiteracy means that there is an increase in literacy and knowledge. Reduction in illiteracy is also associated with a decrease in unemployment. The question is, how is getting a good education and knowledge connected with an increase in knowledge and the reduction in unemployment? It can be said that as an individual; if one obtains a good education and knowledge, and later on becomes a parent, he or she is likely to pass on the obtained education and knowledge to his or her children. Dummett, Hughes, and Stephenson (2013) reported â€Å"The problem often is that such knowledge is stored only in local people’s minds, and it is passed from generation to generation.† (p. 130). Nevertheless, a strong and formal education background enables the child to learn beyond what the community he or she resides in, hence, adding to their knowledge. Enha nced knowledge goes a long way in reducing unemployment. An examination of the Arab Spring indicates that the Arab spring can be associated with the large rates of unemployment. Hamdan (2011) notes that quantity in place of quality is not appropriate for education. Passing on quality education and knowledge to each generation ensures that they gain the required concepts and ideas that they can use to develop self-employment. Self-employment means that the persons making up a large part of these generations become job creators and not job seekers. In turn, this reduces the unemployment levels by having the job creators employ more and more persons. Another advantage of getting a good education and knowledge is sustainable human development. McKeown (n.d.) opines that education is an important tool for attaining sustainability. Development alone is not enough if it cannot be sustained.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Gender Inequalities in Health and Illness

Gender Inequalities in Health and Illness Gender Inequalities in Health and Illness This essay will look at the gender inequalities in health and illness statically. This essay will also look at how women live longer than men and what diseases and mental health symptoms affect both men and women in mortality and morbidity rates such as cancers and depression. Statistics will show how people are living longer and how this will continue as more people will become centenarians as the years go by. This essay will also show findings of stereotypes or stigmas attached to both genders and how this affects healthcare both physically and mentally along with how society thinks in regards to both genders and the impact this has. Finally it will look at masculinity and how and why this affects men going to the GPs about their healthcare and the effects of this. Today women tend to live longer than men on average in industrialised countries, although this is true women experience more ill health through their lifetimes compared to men. More women rather than men suffer from somatic complaints such as aches and pains, headaches and tiredness to mention a few (Backes, G et al, 2008). Women’s mortality rates are often because of breast, cervix and uterus cancers whereas ischemic heart disease and lung cancer has a higher mortality rate in men (Bury, M, 2005). Although some researchers believe there is more consistency in studies that involve depression, anxiety and minor psychological illness compared to the studies of higher illness rates in women (Bartley, 2004). At all ages males have a greater mortality rate than women in the United Kingdom due to injuries and suicide. Cardiovascular disease and cancers are also one of the main reasons male mortality rate is higher than that of women’s. Depressive disorder, mental health, anxi ety and disability all have higher morbidity rates for women than men (Acheson, 1998). Higher mortality rates in men can be explained by social factors such as employment whereby males tend to be in employment that is ‘risky’ such as exposure to toxic chemicals, environmental hazards and dangerous machinery. Driving under the influence of alcohol, dangerous sports and road traffic accidents are all major risk taking behaviours that men rather than women tend to participate in (Bury, M, 2005). Men used to have a higher smoking rate than women resulting in lung cancer but today it is seen that young girls under fifteen years of age are more likely to smoke than boys of the that same age group. The recommended daily intake of alcohol is usually acknowledged by women whereas men in all age groups tend to drink more than the recommended daily intake (Scambler, 2008). One third of babies born in 2013 will live to they are one hundred according to the office for national statistics. Of these 797,000 babies that were less than one in 2013 in the UK, 151,000 of these will be women and 123,000 will be men that live to one hundred in 2113 (Office for national Statistics, 2013).Whereas only 8% of men and 14% of women who were sixty-five in 2013 would go on to live until they are one hundred around 85,000 altogether. Looking further back in time there were only six hundred centenarians in 1961, ninety of these being men, this has increased every year since then for example in 2013 there were a total of 14,000 centenarians in the United Kingdom (Office for national Statistics, 2013). It is expected that 111,000 people will live to one hundred or more by 2037. Women are expected to become centenarians more so than men in all years as in 1961 there were five hundred this rose to 12,000 in 2013 and is expected to rise higher resulting in 77,000 women becomin g centenarians by 2037 and 293,000 by 2062. Men have had a rapid rise in centenarians from 1961 where there were only ninety centenarians this rose to 2,000 in 2013. It is estimated men living to one hundred or over will rise to 34,000 by 2037 and 163,000 by 2062 (Office for national Statistics, 2013). The latest figures from the Office for National Statistics show that in ‘good’ health men in the least deprived areas could live to 70.5 years whereas men in the most deprived areas could live to 52.2 years. Women on the other hand can live in ‘good’ health in the least deprived areas for up to 71.3 years whereas women in the most deprived areas can live to 52.4 years. When measured by the range there were nine years difference between men in the most deprived areas compared to the men in the least deprived areas (Office for National Statistics, 2015). Women when measured by the range had a 6.9 year shorter life expectancy for women in the most deprived areas compared to the women in the least deprived areas. In ‘good’ health men in the least deprived areas lived 19.1 years longer and 19.5 years for women (Bury, M, 2005). There are a lot of assumptions around gender stereotypes that are socially constructed which to this day still exist in society. People or society expect a women to be a certain way or act a certain way such as staying at home looking after children and being a housewife rather than getting a job and that they are responsible for raising children (Cook, R and Cusack, S, 2010). Women are nurses rather than doctors, women do not need to have a career, and women should cook and do housework. Women do not or cannot have technical jobs such as being a mechanic these are some of the stereotypes associated with women (Cook, R and Cusack, S, 2010). People or society expect a man to enjoy working on cars, are doctors and not nurses, that men do ‘dirty’ jobs such as construction or mechanics. Men do not do housework and are not responsible for taking care of children, men are in charge husbands tell their wives what to do and are lazy or messy these are just some of the stereotype s associated with men (Health Guidance, No date). These stereotypes can affect both genders mentally and physically and can have an impact on mortality and morbidity rates such as a man doing a ‘dangerous’ job or a women having depression. Masculinity ideology plays a vital role in men’s health, men believe they should be powerful, strong, brave, intelligent, healthy, mature and in control (Sabo, D and Gordon, F, 1995). When these statements are untrue or thought to be untrue it can have a negative impact on men resulting in substance misuse and criminality, depression and suicide to mention a few as a lot of men especially young men feel powerless, weak, fearful and do not pay attention to their mental, physical or emotional health (Key issues in promoting health, No date). It is a fact that women are more open to talk about health problems than men which is why women that suffer from depression and anxiety are seen to have higher morbidity rates according to statistics. It is thought that biological and social factors contribute to depression and are seen differently in both men and women (Mental Health Foundation, No date). Men aged sixteen to forty-four are less likely to visit GPs than women due to worries of losing pay from their job if they take an appointment but also from masculinity problems such as thinking the environment in GP surgeries are too feminine and the general attitude men take towards healthcare and social expectation when they are ill (Harvey, S, et al, No date). It is also seen that because women are more open about their health, statistics show they visit the GPs more often than men and that they may go to the GPs for less severe symptoms of illness compared to men (Harvey, S, et al, No date). In conclusion this essay has looked at the statistics of inequalities in health and illness. Such as the fact that today women tend to live longer in industrialized countries than men and it seems that it is going to continue in that way, at the same time there has been a rapid rise in men living longer with mortality rates decreasing due to different employment available in this present day. Women morbidity rates are higher than men’s due to women seeking medical advice more often and being more open about their healthcare issues, whereas men avoid GPs either because of worry of losing pay from work or masculinity reasons such as the stigma that ‘men do not get sick’ (Bartley, 2004; Acheson, 1998; Scambler, 2008; Harvey, S, et al, No date). Although life expectancy rates are higher for both men and women it also seems that people living to one hundred or more is on the rise from six hundred centenarians in the 1960s to fourteen thousand centenarians in 2013 and it is estimated to rise higher each year onwards. Stereotypes have also had an impact on both genders due to society having the thought that men should have ‘dirty’ or ‘dangerous’ jobs and women should stay at home or have ‘clean’ jobs therefore it can result in physical problems or higher mortality rates for men and mental health problems such as anxiety or depression for women. Masculinity plays a vital role in men’s health due to the stigmas attached therefore mental health such as depression is seen different to professionals such as GPs in both men and women (Office for national Statistics, 2013; Office for National Statistics, 2015; Mental Health Foundation, No date; Harvey, S, et al, No date). Bibliography Books Acheson, D (1998). Independent Inquiry into Inequalities in Health Report. 1st edn. London: The Stationary Office. Backes, G et al (2008) Gender, Health and Ageing: European Perspectives on Life Course, Health Issues and Social Challenges. 13th edn. Springer Science and Business Media. Bartley, M (2004). Health Inequalities: An Introduction to Theories, Concepts, and methods. 1st edn. Cambridge: Polity Press. Bury, M (2005). Health and Illness. 1st edn. Cambridge: Polity Press. Cook, R and Cusack, S (2010). Gender Stereotyping: Transnational Legal Perspectives. 1st edn. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. Sabo, D and Gordon, F (1995). Men’s Health and Illness: Gender, Power, and the Body. 1st edn. London: SAGE Publications, Inc. Scambler, A (2008). Women and Health in Scambler G (ed) Sociology as Applied to Medicine. 1st edn. Elsevier Limited. Websites Harvey, S et al. (No date) Why are men reticent to visit their GP? What can be done to address this situation? [Online] Available at: Accessed: 22/03/15 Health Guidance (No date) List of Gender Stereotypes. [Online] Available at: Accessed: 20/02/15 Key issues in promoting mental health (No date) Masculinity and mental health Dr Ken Harland. [Online] Available at: Accessed: 21/03/15 Mental Health Foundation (No date) Mental Health Statistics: Men Women. [Online] Available at: Accessed: 20/03/15 Office for National Statistics (2015) Inequality in healthy life expectancy at birth by national deciles of area deprivation: England, 2011 to 2013. [Online] Available at: Accessed: 20/03/15 Office for National Statistics (2013) One Third of Babies born in 2013 are expected to live to 100. [Online] Available at: Accessed: 21/03/15

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

New York State Accounting Code of Ethics Essay -- essays research pape

New York State Accounting Code of Ethics   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The accounting system is constantly changing. During these changes, it is important for accountants to adhere to the high ethical standards that they have always lived by. Adhering to the high ethical standards is an accountant's obligation to the public, the profession, and themselves. An accountant's ethical conduct usually lies within four different areas. This includes competence, confidentiality, integrity, and objectivity. NYSSCPA.ORG states, "Members also have a continuing responsibility to cooperate with each other to improve the art of accounting, maintain the public's confidence, and carry out the professions special responsibilities for self-governance," (Article 1).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  New York State expects its accountants to act in a way that will serve the public interest. The public includes clients, credit grantors, governments, employers, investors, the business and financial community, and any other person that relies on the information provided by the accountant. It is the accountant's responsibility to maintain an appropriate level of professional competence through continuing education of their knowledge and skills. New York State also expects its accountants to perform their duties in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, as well as providing clear and complete reports.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It is important for accountants to maintain their integrity. Often times, accountants are faced with situations that are questionable. ...

Monday, November 11, 2019

Government Intervention Essay

The purpose of this report is to exemplify the role of government with the focus on the developing countries by answering the proposed question of Why do we need government intervention? and Why government intervention is necessary for the new economy? The first part of this report illustrates the essential roles of government in social, business, and the future of country aspects. Then, Thailand was chosen as an example of a country entering into the new economy, while using the other countries in East Asia to illustrate the successful government action in transferring the countries to new economy. 1. To provide social welfare for the whole country Education Environment Health care Basic infrastructure Ideally, the government should bear the cost of high-risk or long-term payback project, or even the project that is difficult to finance as a trade-off for the national interest and benefit of its people and, in a way, attracting private sector to invest in the underdeveloped region later on. 2. To set up fair-games, fair competition, rules, laws and regulations, and trade agreements for business sector 3. To determine the future direction of the country Provide information and guidelines for firms to follow Develop strategy for the nation’s economic growth 1. Social contexts: 1.1. Environmental protection Waste management: company cannot hold the idea of â€Å"more production, more pollution† any longer as it creates externalities (social cost), which in turns will impose a negative impact on the company’s reputation. Government must enforce regulations, inspections, and control on environmental aspect. This is for the social interest so that the firms cannot take advantage from the society. Furthermore, by having regulations, not only the society will benefit from it; it also raises an issue of long-term sustainable development for the business sector to consider upon. Cons of free-enterprise Only aimed at generating profit and production, while disregarding the environment as it is considered an â€Å"unnecessary’ cost for the company. This in turn, the environment would be destroyed (e.g. Waste  from production, a vicious cycle, will hurt everyone if there are no regulations enforced.) Environmentalist vs. Government: for developing countries, the environmentalist plays a minor role in protecting the environment comparing to government intervention. Although the voices of environmentalist are significant when it comes to making changes, the government regulations are better suited in preventing and solving the problem on the national level. This is because the environmental problems have to be solved simultaneously, since the effects from decaying environment can create chain-reactions affecting the whole country or even the world (e.g. air pollution or destruction of rain forest). The environmentalist is important, as it is able to create awareness for the society, at the same time the government intervention is necessary in order to support healthier environment for its people. 1.2. Education Quality of the human resource is the driven force to push economic growth. Without basic education, it limits the opportunity for the entire nation to grow and foster new innovated ideas, while limiting the improvement in quality of life among population. 1.3. Health care The basic need for life. There shouldn’t be perceived as privilege for someone to obtain. Recent development on Thailand’s health care: Ministry of Public Health’s campaign on the â€Å"30 Baht-Health for All† demonstrating that equal access to health care is important for the growth of recovering economy. 1.4. Infrastructure For a nation to propel into the future, decentralization of development to regional and local levels rather than concentrated on specific metropolitan areas is significant, as it needs involvement from everyone. 2. Business contexts: 2.1. Laws and Regulations (Thailand) Trade Competition Act (1999): This is to eliminate unfair trade practices, monopolization, and business collusion. If there were no regulation, monopoly can drive up prices or limits supplies while the consumers would have to bear the costs  as well as limiting the sense of entrepreneurship. Bankruptcy Act (1999): From the result of the Asian crisis, the past bankruptcy law in Thailand was not efficient enough causing the failure in the loaning agreement, lowering the foreign investor’s confidence. By amending the old 1940 Bankruptcy Act in 1998 and 1999, the new amendment provides a foundation for both creditor and debtor to work cooperatively and be more transparent in order to create a win-win situation, especially for the recovering companies as well as preventing future non-performing loans (NPL) for the creditors. SMEs Promotion Act (2000): Thai government encourages support for this new legislation by creating a Market for Alternative Investment (MAI) designed to introduce fresh investment opportunities. The Minister for Finance emphasizes the significant role that MAI would play in supporting and strengthening SMEs in Thailand. 2.2. Trade agreement The role of trade agreement is to encourage, assist, and advocate the export sector and to ensure that domestic business would have equal access to compete in foreign markets. In addition, the trade agreement can enforce antidumping and countervailing duty laws providing remedies for unfair trade practices. Moreover, the trade agreement can promote cooperation among member countries in order to avoid fierce competition (e.g. Asian Summit Conference, G7 Conference) World Trade Organization (WTO): Before a country decides to join the WTO, its government must prepare the readiness of the country whether it is law and regulation aspects or its infrastructure. This is to protect the domestic market and businesses from being exploited by foreign firms. Thailand vs. China on WTO issue: Thailand officially entered into the WTO in 1995 when its laws and regulations on globalization issues were not fully developed. As a result, Thailand inevitably had to endure the consequence of globalization. Compared to China, who does not fashionably join the WTO as the other neighboring countries did, China waited and now is able to  negotiate other privileges on bilateral agreement with foreign investors. 3. Future direction determination: 3.1. To provide information and guidelines for firms to follow. To be competitive in international level, the government must provide information for the public in order to assist the business sector to establish suitable strategic and decision plans for their businesses accordingly. DEP (Department of Export Promotion) † to assist in matching local manufacturers with overseas buyers or vice-versa by providing quick and cost-effective access to local products through substantial information and oversea organizational facilities. BOI (Board of Investment) † to assist investors by providing support services in order to reduce risk and cost that associate with investments. 3.2. Develop strategy for future economic growth: SMEs (Small-Medium Enterprises): encouraging entrepreneurship through promoting business start-up spreading and stimulating more nationwide microeconomic growth. o Stimulation on more sense of ownership among the population enabling the spread in development. Because in the past, with lesser government intervention, growth and income were concentrated mainly in heavy industry or big business rather than being distributed more evenly among the people. o Satisfaction of local need through the intellectual local-knowledge based transferring into productivity in community level. Microlending † being implemented in the Philippines and Thailand to help poor people gain access to credit so that they can finance or start up their own businesses. As a result, there would be a decrease in poverty as well as an increase entrepreneurship / small businesses. IT: NECTEC (National Electronics and Computer Technology Center) is Thailand’s main driven force for IT development. NECTEC established new strategic master plan on Electronic, Computer, Telecommunication and Information (ECTI) Technologies for year 2000-2004.   This is because as the world is dominated by global businesses and industries, information and communication technologies play a tremendous role in the issues for long-term recovery and sustainability † Thailand needs to transform itself from the old economy to the â€Å"New Economy† in order to remain competitive. IT will gradually replace the old traditional business transaction by offering real time information, reduction in transaction cost and time, opening the market to many more suppliers and buyers, and no need for physical presence; which consequently more productivity would be generated. 1. Infrastructure: Revamped of telecommunication monopoly by encouraging investments from private sectors. The Telephone Organization of Thailand (TOT) granted telephone-wiring licenses to TA and TT&T and granted wireless phones licenses to AIS and PCT, while the Communication Authority of Thailand (CAT) authorized DTAC to operate in mobile phone industry. The government granted private sectors to take on the telephone-wiring project because of the urgency of the IT infrastructure expansion (from 800,000 users in 1999 to more than 1,000,000 users in 2000) in a sense that the private sectors are able to install the lines faster than the government sector in certain areas. Installation of fiber optic infrastructure throughout Bangkok and Thailand. Increase the telephone availability from 13 lines per 100 populations to 18 lines per 100 populations. Nation wide local call ISP access Possibility of free internet in the future Lowering cost of PC More mobile phone usage with cheaper rate 2. IT Education: Increase the number of schools connected to free internet from  1,500 schools to targeted 5,000 schools. Better focus on the optimization of the computer usage in schools, not just computer availability. Teacher’s IT training, NECTEC provided pilot courses and teaching materials for Rajabhat Institute, which in turn will teach and prepare the future schoolteachers for the SchoolNet project. 3. Laws and Regulations Electronic Transactions Bills and the Electronic Signature Bills were approved by the cabinet on March 14, 2000. Electronic Transactions Act defines the legal status of electronic records as being equal to paper documents, if they are properly handled. The Act also defines the scope of legal recognition of transmission and reception processes for electric data records, time and place of occurrences of such transmission. Electronic Signature Act defines the electronic equivalence of signature as a proof to identity of the signing party (i.e. authentication) and that the signer approves the content that is being signed. The law is neutral to the choice of technology used for electronic signature. It recognizes the well-established trusted third-party system of Certification Authority (CA) and public-key infrastructure (PKI) based on encryption technology. Intellectual Property Laws: Thai government recognizes that an effective intellectual and industrial property system is vital to the development of new economy especially on the innovations and technology transfer aspects. Thus, to encourage such originalities, the government has established laws and regulations to protect and secure the exclusive rights of scientists, inventors, artists and other gifted citizens to their intellectual property and creations, particularly when beneficial to people and its nation. When the IP laws are being violated, the offender will be inflicted with fine or imprisonment or both. Currently, there are three major IP laws in Thailand: Trademark Act (2nd revision in 2000) Patent Act (3rd revision in 1999)  Copyright Act (amended in 1994) Other drafts in the pipeline are the Computer Crime Act, the Electronic Funds Transfer Act, and the Data Protection Act. 4. Electronic Commerce The Electronic Commerce Resource Center was set up by the cabinet resolution in December 1998 as a unit within NECTEC where drafting of the Electronic Commerce Policy Framework is being planned. E-commerce infrastructure project has been carried out by NECTEC’s sister organization † Internet Thailand Company, which started a neutral yet highly diverse portal site called THAI-DOT-COM ( with free commerce hosting provision to all business partners (merchants, banks, and application service providers). 5. Software Park Software Park is the first and unique infrastructure Thailand ever built for this new software industry. Local software developers in Thailand can enjoy professional support for international marketing. It also provides a one-stop meeting point for potential customers both locally and from abroad as well as providing high-speed networking. In addition, world-leading companies like Intel, Informix, IBM, etc. have invested in R&D infrastructure for local software companies to use at very low cost. 6. BOI incentive on IT related industry Electronic Industry: This is to promote specific industry in order to respond to the development in the New Economy. Thai government offered tax-based incentives to stimulate such investment, such as Corporate income tax exemption for 8 years, regardless of location. Exemption on import duty on machinery relevant to production process. Additional privileges according to zone†further tax and duty reduction as well as allowances for infrastructure investment. Singapore o Well-connected IT infrastructure facilities such as the science-park (ranging from biotechnology to robot researches) and information superhighway which enable Singapore to become IT hub for exportable services, for instance†consulting or engineering advises, in East Asia. o Focusing on R&D, the fastest growing activities in Singapore, since Singapore has competitive advantages on superior infrastructure and manpower capabilities to explore this possibility. o Implementation of â€Å"E-Government Services† † people saved time through complete government-related transactions (e.g. tax, registration and licensing fees). As a result, this action has saved cost for government on transaction filings, while saving cost and time for the business sector. Malaysia o Due to the aspiration of becoming a fully developed country by 2020, the Malaysian government has developed a path that has been strategically mapped out to ensure that the objectives of 2020 visions are achievable. o With the focus on welcoming the information technology age phenomenon, the government has created the â€Å"Multimedia Super Corridor’ (MSC) in which is a world-first, world class place to help companies of the world test the limits of technology and prepare themselves for the future. o Creation of the perfect global multimedia climate. Cyberjaya: a conceptualized model intelligent city with multimedia industries, R&D centers, a Multimedia University and operational headquarters for multinational firms wishing to direct their worldwide manufacturing and trading activities using multimedia technology. Putrajaya: a concept of electronic government and administration will be implemented. These two cities are the nucleus of Malaysia strategic vision for the new economy. No one knows whether it would turn out as successful as the Malaysian government has envisioned or not, but at least its government has took a tremendous step by investing into a project that certainly the whole country will realize the impact of new economy and information technology and, hopefully, benefit from it. Transforming Thailand to â€Å"New Economy† needs a very strong foundation and cooperation in every level starting from redesigning infrastructure, IT education, HR development, and IT laws and regulations. These four factors needed to be organized by the government, not only because the whole country needs to be involved in this transforming stage, but the government needs to also provide assurance for the business sector on security issues as well as providing a sense of borderless marketing condition for the company to excel in the global competition. In addition, the government involvement is very crucial; this is to prevent the concentration of IT development in certain sectors or business fields as if would have done by the private sector. And ensuring that the country would explore into the New Economy era together, and that there should be no discrimination in IT development in which, as a result, the country and everyone involved will mutually benefit from this New Economy endeavor.

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Life and Death of Marie-Antoinette

The Life and Death of Marie-Antoinette Marie Antoinette (born Maria Antonia Josepha Joanna von Ãâ€"sterreich-Lothringen; November 2,  1755–October 16,  1793) was an Austrian noble and French Queen Consort whose position as a hate figure for much of France helped contribute to the events of the French Revolution, during which she was executed. Fast Facts: Marie-Antoinette Known For:  As the queen of Louis XVI, she was executed during the French Revolution. She is often quoted as saying, Let them eat cake (there is no proof of this statement).Also Known As:  Maria Antonia Josepha Joanna von Ãâ€"sterreich-LothringenBorn:  November 2, 1755,  in Vienna (now in Austria)Parents: Francis I, Holy Roman Emperor, and Austrian Empress Maria TheresaDied:  October 16, 1793, in Paris, FranceEducation: Private palace tutors  Spouse: King Louis XVI of FranceChildren: Marie-Thà ©rà ¨se-Charlotte, Louis Joseph Xavier Franà §ois, Louis Charles, Sophie Hà ©là ¨ne Bà ©atrice de FranceNotable Quote: I am calm, as people are whose consciences are clear. Early Years Marie-Antoinette was born on November 2nd, 1755. She was the eleventh daughter - eighth surviving - of Empress Maria Theresa and her husband Holy Roman Emperor Francis I. All the royal sisters were called Marie as a sign of devotion to the Virgin Mary, and so the future queen became known by her second name – Antonia – which became Antoinette in France. She was bought up, like most noble women, to obey her future husband, an oddity given that her mother, Maria Theresa, was a powerful ruler in her own right. Her education was poor thanks to the choice of tutor, leading to later accusations that Marie was stupid; in fact, she was able with everything she was competently taught. Marriage to Dauphin Louis In 1756 Austria and France, long term enemies signed an alliance against the growing power of Prussia. This failed to quell the suspicions and prejudices each nation had long held for each other, and these problems were to affect Marie Antoinette deeply. However, to help cement the alliance it was decided that a marriage should be made between the two nations, and in 1770 Marie Antoinette was married to the heir to the French throne, Dauphin Louis. At this point her French was poor, and a special tutor was appointed. Marie now found herself in her mid-teens in a foreign country, largely cut off from the people and places of her childhood. She was in Versailles, a world where almost every action was governed by fiercely employed rules of etiquette which enforced and supported the monarchy, and which the young Marie thought ridiculous. However, at this early stage, she tried to adopt them. Marie Antoinette displayed what we would now call humanitarian instincts, but her marriage was far from happy to start with. Louis was often rumored to have had a medical problem which caused him pain during sex, but it’s likely he simply wasn’t doing the right thing, and so the marriage initially went unconsummated, and once it was there was still little chance of the much-desired heir being produced. The culture of the time - and her mother - blamed Marie, while close observation and attendant gossip undermined the future queen. Marie sought solace in a small circle of court friends, with whom later enemies would accuse her of hetero- and homosexual affairs. Austria had hoped that Marie Antoinette would dominate Louis and advance their own interests, and to this end first Maria Theresa and then Emperor Joseph II bombarded Marie with requests; in the end, she failed to have any effect on her husband until the French Revolution. Queen Consort of France Louis succeeded to the throne of France in 1774 as Louis XVI; at first, the new king and queen were wildly popular. Marie Antoinette had little regard or interest in court politics, of which there was a lot, and managed to offend by favoring a small group of courtiers in which foreigners seemed to dominate. It’s not surprising that Marie seemed to identify more with people away from their homelands, but public opinion often angrily interpreted this as Marie favoring others instead of the French. Marie masked over her early anxieties about children by growing ever more interested in court pursuits. In doing so she gained a reputation for outward frivolity - gambling, dancing, flirting, shopping - which has never gone away. But she was irreverent out of fear, self-doubting rather than self-absorbed. As Queen Consort Marie ran an expensive and opulent court, which was to be expected and certainly kept parts of Paris employed, but she did so at a time when French finances were collapsing, especially during and after the American Revolutionary War, so she was seen as a cause of wasteful excess. Indeed, her position as a foreigner to France, her expenditure, her perceived aloofness and her early lack of an heir led extreme slanders to be spread about her; claims of extramarital affairs were among the more benign, violent pornography was the other extreme. Opposition grew. The situation isn’t as clear cut as a gluttonous Marie spending freely as France collapsed. While Marie was keen to use her privileges - and she did spend - Marie rejected the established royal traditions and began to reshape the monarchy in a new fashion, rejecting stark formality for a more personal, almost friendly touch, possibly derived from her father. Out went the previous fashion on all but key occasions. Marie Antoinette favored privacy, intimacy, and simplicity over the previous Versailles regimes, and Louis XVI largely agreed. Unfortunately, a hostile French public reacted badly to these changes, interpreting them as signs of indolence and vice, as they undermined the way the French court had been built to survive. At some point, the phrase ‘Let them eat cake’ was falsely attributed to her. Queen, and Finally a Mother In 1778 Marie gave birth to her first child, a girl, and in 1781 the much longed for male heir arrived. Marie began to spend more and more time involved with her new family, and away from previous pursuits. Now the slanders moved away from Louis’ failings to the question of who the father was. The rumors continued to build, affecting both Marie Antoinette - who had previously managed to ignore them - and the French public, who increasingly saw the queen as a debauched, idiotic spendthrift who dominated Louis. Public opinion, on the whole, was turning. This situation worsened in 1785-6 when Maria was publicly accused in the ‘Affair of the Diamond Necklace’. Although she was innocent, she took the brunt of the negative publicity and the affair discredited the whole French monarchy. As Marie did begin to resist the pleas of her relatives to influence the King on behalf of Austria, and as Marie became more serious and engaged in the politics of France fully for the first time - she went to government meetings on issues which didn’t directly affect her - it so happened that France began to collapse into revolution. The King, with the country paralyzed by debt, tried to force reforms through an Assembly of Notables, and as this failed he became depressed. With an ill husband, a physically ill son, and the monarchy collapsing, Marie too became depressed and deeply afraid for her future, although she tried to keep the others afloat. Crowds now openly hissed at the Queen, who was nicknamed ‘Madame Deficit’ over her alleged spending. Marie Antoinette was directly responsible for the recall of Swiss banker Necker to the government, an openly popular move, but when her eldest son died in June 1789, the King and Queen fell into distraught mourning. Unfortunately, this was the exact moment when politics in France decisively changed. The Queen was now openly hated, and many of her close friends (who were also hated by association) fled France. Marie Antoinette stayed, out of feelings of duty and the sense of her position. It was to be a fatal decision, even if the mob only called for her to be sent to a convent at this point The French Revolution As the French Revolution developed, Marie had an influence over her weak and indecisive husband and was able to partly influence royal policy, although her idea of seeking sanctuary with the army away from both Versailles and Paris was rejected. As a mob of women stormed Versailles to harangue the king, a group broke into the queen’s bedroom shouting they wanted to kill Marie, who had just escaped to the king’s room. The royal family was coerced into moving to Paris, and effectively made prisoners. Marie decided to remove herself from the public eye as much as possible, and hope that she wouldn’t be blamed for the actions of aristocrats who had fled France and were agitating for foreign intervention. Marie appears to have become more patient, more pragmatic and, inevitably, more melancholic. For a while, life went on in a similar manner to before, in a strange sort of twilight. Marie Antoinette became then more pro-active again: it was Marie who negotiated with Mirabeau on how to save the crown, and Marie whose distrust of the man led to his advice being rejected. It was also Marie who initially arranged for her, Louis and the children to flee France, but they only reached Varennes before being caught. Throughout Marie Antoinette was insistent she would not flee without Louis, and certainly not without her children, who were still held in better regard than the king and queen. Marie also negotiated with Barnave on what form a constitutional monarchy might take, while also encouraging the Emperor to start armed protests, and form an alliance which would - as Marie hoped - threaten France into behaving. Marie worked frequently, diligently and in secret to help create this, but it was little more than a dream. As France declared war on Austria, Marie Antoinette was now seen as a literal enemy of the state by many. It is perhaps ironic that at the same instance as Marie began to distrust Austrian intentions under their new Emperor - she feared they would come for territory rather than in defense of the French crown - she still fed as much information as she could gather to the Austrians to aid them. The Queen had always been accused of treason and would be again at her trial, but a sympathetic biographer like Antonia Fraser argues Marie always thought her missives were in the best interest of France. The royal family was threatened by the mob before the monarchy was overthrown and the royals properly imprisoned. Louis was tried and executed, but not before Marie’s closest friend was murdered in the September Massacres and her head paraded on a pike before the royal prison. Trial and Death Marie Antoinette now became known, to those more charitably disposed to her, as Widow Capet. Louis’ death hit her hard, and she was allowed to dress in mourning. There was now debate over what to do with her: some hoped for an exchange with Austria, but the Emperor wasn’t overly worried about his aunt’s fate, while others wanted a trial and there was a tug of war between French government factions. Marie now grew very physically ill, her son was taken away, and she was moved to a new prison, where she became prisoner no. 280. There were ad hoc rescue attempts from admirers, but nothing came close. As influential parties in the French government finally got their way - they had decided the public should be given the head of the former queen - Marie Antoinette was tried. All the old slanders were trotted out, plus new ones like sexually abusing her son. While Marie responded at key times with great intelligence, the substance of the trial was irrelevant: her guilt had been pre-ordained, and this was the verdict. On October 16, 1793, she was taken to the guillotine, exhibiting the same courage and coolness with which she had greeted each episode of danger in the revolution, and executed. A Falsely Maligned Woman Marie Antoinette exhibited faults, such as spending frequently in an era when royal finances had been collapsing, but she remains one of the most incorrectly maligned figures in Europe’s history. She was at the forefront of a change in royal styles which would be widely adopted after her death, but she was in many ways too early. She was let down deeply by the actions of her husband and the French state to which she had been sent and cast aside much of her criticized frivolity once her husband had been able to contribute a family, allowing her to ably fulfill the role society wanted her to play. The days of the Revolution confirmed her as an able parent, and throughout her life as consort, she exhibited sympathy and charm. Many women in history have been the subject of slanders, but few ever reached the levels of those printed against Marie, and even fewer suffered as greatly from the way these stories affected public opinion. It is also unfortunate that Marie Antoinette was frequently accused of exactly what her relatives demanded of her - to dominate Louis and push policies favoring Austria - when Marie herself had no influence over Louis until the revolution. The question of her treason against France during the revolution is more problematic, but Marie thought she was acting loyally to the best interests of France, which was to her the French monarchy, not the revolutionary government.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on The Fountainhead

Ayn Rand – The Fountainhead Standing naked on top of a cliff, Howard Roark envisions what the trees and granite around him can be made into. He is an architect, ingenious and creative. None of like any other at the Stanton Institute of Technology. He had been pondering about his life and the events of that morning. He had just been expelled by the dean for being creative and a nonconformist. This immediately ascertains the theme of the novel, and sets up the novel’s storyline. Peter Keating, the complete opposite of Howard Roark, is the second character introduced. He is an over-achiever and a fraud. Keating is graduating with highest honors in his class and is receiving a scholarship to attend the Ecole des Beaux Arts, a prestigious art school in Paris. Guy Francon, a nationally known architecture that owns â€Å"Francon & Heyer† with Lucius Heyer, offers Peter Keating a job. He is charmed by Peter Keating’s sociable personality and at his achievements at Stanton. Questioning whether to accept Francon’s offer or go to Paris and study abroad is puzzling Keating. At home he sees Howard Roark just sitting on his porch. Keating is angered that Roark did not come watch him give his speech in front of Francon and the other students. Roark is saddened by Peter in the way he lives his life, for others and their approvals. He is dismayed that he does not do anything on his own terms. He asks for Roark’s advice on the situation and Roark tells him that he shouldn’t ask others to make decisions for him. Peter’s mother hears the entire conversation and is angered at Peter for not asking her. She cunningly persuades him to accept the job in New York with Francon & Heyer. Peter Keating’s likable personality and his ability to gain people’s trust allows him to move up quickly in rank at Francon & Heyer. He schemes his way in obtaining the role of chief designer, by ridding the firm of Tim Davis. His next vict... Free Essays on The Fountainhead Free Essays on The Fountainhead Ayn Rand – The Fountainhead Standing naked on top of a cliff, Howard Roark envisions what the trees and granite around him can be made into. He is an architect, ingenious and creative. None of like any other at the Stanton Institute of Technology. He had been pondering about his life and the events of that morning. He had just been expelled by the dean for being creative and a nonconformist. This immediately ascertains the theme of the novel, and sets up the novel’s storyline. Peter Keating, the complete opposite of Howard Roark, is the second character introduced. He is an over-achiever and a fraud. Keating is graduating with highest honors in his class and is receiving a scholarship to attend the Ecole des Beaux Arts, a prestigious art school in Paris. Guy Francon, a nationally known architecture that owns â€Å"Francon & Heyer† with Lucius Heyer, offers Peter Keating a job. He is charmed by Peter Keating’s sociable personality and at his achievements at Stanton. Questioning whether to accept Francon’s offer or go to Paris and study abroad is puzzling Keating. At home he sees Howard Roark just sitting on his porch. Keating is angered that Roark did not come watch him give his speech in front of Francon and the other students. Roark is saddened by Peter in the way he lives his life, for others and their approvals. He is dismayed that he does not do anything on his own terms. He asks for Roark’s advice on the situation and Roark tells him that he shouldn’t ask others to make decisions for him. Peter’s mother hears the entire conversation and is angered at Peter for not asking her. She cunningly persuades him to accept the job in New York with Francon & Heyer. Peter Keating’s likable personality and his ability to gain people’s trust allows him to move up quickly in rank at Francon & Heyer. He schemes his way in obtaining the role of chief designer, by ridding the firm of Tim Davis. His next vict...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Leadership and service improvement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Leadership and service improvement - Essay Example We have adopted a QCC drive to carry out the function of patient observations for the first 24 hours of their admission at intervals of four hours each. Thereafter the nurses are required to apply their professional intellect and decide how often the patients need observation. My unit decided that eight-hour-intervals would be quite appropriate for patient observations for the next forty eight hours of their admission. All our patient observations go into the database to enable the Trust note when we complete them on time and when we fail to as well. Failure of which, a fine is charged on all the nurses by the QCC. My unit and I decided that our first patient observations during the initial twenty four hours which are to be done at eight-hour intervals would be at 6:00 hours and 14:00 hours respectively. As for the latter patient observations at four-hour intervals, we agreed upon 6:00 hours, 10:00 hours, 14:00 hours, 18:00 hours, 22:00 hours and 2:00 hours in that order. The rest of the hours are appropriate but for 6:00 hours, which is undoubtedly a challenge. First off, the patients do need their rest. Waking them up at 6:00 hours in the morning for their routine observations certainly does not help this aspect of their recovery. The daily routine at the National Health Service commences at 7:00 hours. ... My master plan is mainly focused on the leadership problems we have at the facility. It is my belief that most of the shortcomings we experience at the work area are as a result of poor leadership, which in turn leads to poor formation of plans and hence failure. Therefore I intend to address this issue and offer a better approach to the leadership and management of the ward. It is important that a leader first have that position, but if you want to become a real leader, you have to qualify for that position before your followers will really look up to you as their leader (Bacher, 272). Leadership is something that must be earned. For the purpose of ensuring the success of my service improvement plan I ha handle the leadership issue at my work a couple of leadership styles and theories that I believe would be appropriate for solving the leadership problem at my work area. Different types of organizations or species are needed in different types of environments (Farmer, 256). T ransactional leadership Transactional can also be referred to as managerial leadership. It mainly deals with the task of supervising, organizing and group performance. Assumptions of transactional leadership For people to work y and efficiently and give their best performance, there needs to be a definite and obvious chain of command. The things that motivate workers the most are when they are promised a reward or threatened with a punishment. The workers are usually keen on following orders of the leader. The workers are supposed to be monitored so as to ensure that they are doing as expected. Application of transactional leadership Transactional leadership simply operates as an exchange

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Evaluations and Assessments Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Evaluations and Assessments - Essay Example The purpose of these assessments is to ensure that students are acquiring the essential skills, concepts and subject knowledge in social studies; that they have the opportunity to engage in a broad range of social topics that include civics, economics, geography, history, and general social studies skills. The plan is to eventually these across the state by 2008-09 in order to measure student learning in social studies. 9 CBAs are targeted for elementary school. They are believed to be better able to assess the subject as compared to standardized multiple choice and short answer questions for instance as well as have other advantages. The main component of the CBA is the rubric page. This details how a student can reach proficiency for the particular assessment. Besides this, the CBA mentions support materials, provides a student checklist, suggested resources etc. Both formal and informal assessments are similar in that they seek to provide a measure of student performance, usually as a summative assessment of learning. However, formal assessments are conducted under stricter exam conditions because their scores are noted on the student records. On the other hand, informal assessments are typically used to provide students with practice for the real formal assessments and may not be conducted under such strict conditions. The CBA issued by the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction are formal assessments. Any other student assessments conducted entirely by the teacher would be considered as informal. The Content and Regional Focus for GLEs for grade 1 is based as Families and the concepts of near and far, now and then; for grade 2 is based on Community and the same concepts. A simple example of a pre-assessment question is given below. Another question could test the student’s knowledge and understanding of a

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Affecting change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Affecting change - Essay Example The Organizational culture is ever more implicit as a grave component within the conception of high performance within work areas.An organization's established principles, approaches,viewpoints,objects,along with behaviors all consist of its civilization moreover facilitate in originating a sense of regulation, stability,as well as obligation. Not merely does the business as a whole comprise of a culture, however it usually contains several subcultures. Considering the culture at mutual levels is significant for the reason that a single workplace plan will not essentially maintain in the best way the conflicting job cultures. An analytical instrument, with established strength as well as dependability, has been developed that categorizes associations within four dissimilar cultural types: teaming up. Each one of these has dissimilar operational characteristics that associate with dissimilar ecological features as well as qualities. Evaluating a corporation culture as well as subcultu res provides place of work planners as well as instigators with an institution on which to assemble an atmosphere to hold up the way an organization functions and expresses itself. The bottom line in using organizational culture assessments is to help create workplace explanations with both interior as well as exterior reimbursements that eventually effected in enhanced trade performance (Paton, 2008, pg 208). The established methods of control and the current departmental and organizational cultures: Gene one is faced with an amalgamation of Strong as well as a weak culture: An organizational culture can be marked as strong or else weak based on reasonableness of the central values amongst the corporations team members along with the amount of dedication that the associates have to these core values. Considering the situation of Gene One the higher the sheerness as well as commitment, the stronger the culture, it has helped in boosting the opportunities of behaviour reliability between their respective team members, at the same time as a weak culture within Gene One has inaugurated opportunities for every one of the team members showing apprehensions exclusive to themselves. They have been following the cultural model as a result it has required the managers to toil very sternly at determining the surroundings, nevertheless in a technique that it has always assisted the argument towards developing employees whose principles as well as viewpoints manage their behaviour. Experts have articulated the administrators as an entity being dependable for crafting a forceful optimistic apparition, being an optimistic role mock-up who outlines itself within the human resources a sagacity that the corporations leaders will permit them to administer moreover be in power of their individual personal learning progression. The leaders are also occupied in lining up the corporation's remuneration as well as regulation systems with the novel way of thinking. Don has realized that leaders are then fundamentally occupied in change management however in a very delicate as well as indirect manner than within the conventional change management procedure. As a leader Don has also been able to a certain extent realize that are moreover the protectors of their culture, dependable for guaranteeing that the significant cultural principles are preserved. In a number of cases this may perhaps necessitate them to interpret as well as be aware of what these standards are. The culture of the company Gene one, these days could accordingly be portrayed as being extremely performance oriented along with being eventually profit slanting. The time industrialized a set of dysfunctional values and norms that needed more than subtle adjustment if the company was to stay alive. It is as a result is not astounding that this redecoration was not talented peaceably. The most spectacular change has been in the leader who has moved from being a

Monday, October 28, 2019

Why was William successful Essay Example for Free

Why was William successful Essay When William was crowned King of England he had actually only captured the Southeast. The rest of England was all still Anglo-Saxon. In 1066/1067 William, according to the Normans was the legitimate King of England. He had got Edward the Confessors promise that he would be King. He also had a kinship with Edward, which made it that much easier to become King. It didnt hurt Williams cause when Harold apparently usurped the throne and took it for him self it gave William a legitimate reason for invading. Then after William had gained control of the Southeast the rulers of England submitted to him at Little Berkhamstead. Then they allowed him to be crowned King of England with an Anglo-Saxon Service. This shows their acceptance of William as their King. BUT William had made a mistake. He assumed that once he had been crowned King everyone would follow him as their King. William had not gone West of Faringdon and North of Bedford. It just so happened that the remainder of Harolds family was in the West and Edwin and Morcar (the Northern Earls) who were in the North. Both of these groups had not really submitted to William as their king and were willing to start a rebellion to stop William becoming even more powerful. The rebellions started because when William went back to Normandy. He had to leave regents in his place to rule for him. He chose Bishop Odo and William fitzOsbern. These two people were kinsmen of Williams and so he knew that he could trust tem. But according to Oderic Vitalis: behaved in a violent and cruel fashion and so because of the violent and cruel fashion in which they behaved rebellions started to spring up. The first rebellion was in Exeter and involved Harolds family. This is the first time that William shows his policies for rebelling against him. William reacts decisively and with great force. He marches to Exeter, building castles along the way. When he got to Exeter he brings out a hostage and blinds him in front of the walls so that everyone could see it. Then he lays siege to the city. After 18 days the city submits. All William does is to build a castle in the city its self and garrison it. This is Williamss policy: He will act with violence (the blinding of the hostage) and he will build castles. The violence scares the people and the castles ensure that the area around them is secure. So far William has been successful against the rebellions against him because he has got superior technology (castles which the Anglo-Saxons have not come up against before) and because he has acted decisively and with violence. He has scared the common people that he has come up against so much that they will not do it again. 1068 was a far more serious year for William. This took place in the Earldoms of Mercia and Northumbria. Edwin and Morcar decided that they had had enough of William and that they were going to join the Welsh. William once again marches up as fast as he could, only stopping off to build castles. The key one being at Warwick which he entrusted to Henry of Bomont. Initially he manages to make peace with Edwin and Morcar, and he pardons the Earls. Whilst all this has been happening Edgar ? thling had deserted William and had gone to Scotland. Once in Scotland he persuades the King, Malcome, to marry his sister and so joining them together. The Northumbrians with the Scots seize York. So William once again sets off, again building castles wherever he goes. William then marches on York and captures it. The only thing that he does is to build a castle in York its self. There were many more rebellions on 1068, and all of these William squashed and then built castles all over the area, thus making sure that all the problem parts of England were covered with Castles. William seemed obsessed by the idea of covering the face of England with castles. That also coupled with the face that he took charge personally were ever he could and got to the heart of the revolt as quickly as possible meant that there was not really too much damage. The rebellions of 1067 1072 failed, in my view, because of the fact that they were all so spur of the moment and so dispersed form one another. If they had joined up together and planned together, then they might have had a chance. Especially of they had joined up with the Vikings that came and invaded in 1069. The Vikings gave William the most trouble, but because William already had a series of castle sin place all over the country it wasnt as bad as it could have been. William completely destroyed the area around York, so that the Vikings and his other enemies could not make use of it. He destroyed them so badly that the effects were still apparent in the Doomsday book, written many years later. Williamss ferocious suppression of the north of England in 1069 1070 in response to the English and Scandinavian resistance is often regarded as the darkest deed in his reign. William eventually had to pay the Danes to go away so that William could deal with the English rebels him self. So William was successful against the rebels in 1067 1072 purely because he was more ruthless than they were and because he had access to greater technology, mainly castles building. William terrorised the English so much that they didnt dare rebel again.