Monday, December 30, 2019

Cómo completar las planillas de Inmigración

Las peticiones al Servicio de Inmigracià ³n y Naturalizacià ³n (USCIS, siglas en inglà ©s), se hacen rellenando la planilla correspondiente al beneficio que se solicita. Cà ³mo obtener las planillas de Inmigracià ³n Los formularios para solicitar beneficios migratorios son gratuitos. Casi todos pueden encontrarse en internet en la pà ¡gina del USCIS. Ademà ¡s, las personas que residen en Estados Unidos pueden tambià ©n solicitar por internet en la pà ¡gina de USCIS que se les envà ­en por correo ordinario los formularios. Tambià ©n se puede realizar la misma solicitud marcando al 1-800-870-3676. Es requisito saber quà © nà ºmero de formulario es el que precisa. En un plazo de 10 dà ­as se recibirà ¡ en casa la planilla solicitada. Todos los formularios se pueden rellenar en papel y, algunos, tambià ©n pueden ser completados y/o enviados por internet. 9 tips para rellenar las planillas en papel de Inmigracià ³n Las reglas generales que deben seguirse son las siguientes: Escribir con tinta negra, preferentemente en letras mayà ºsculas y que puedan fà ¡cilmente leerse. Para espacio adicional, si para contestar a alguna pregunta de la planilla se necesita mà ¡s espacio, tomar una hoja en blanco y seguir con la respuesta. Ademà ¡s, firmar esa hoja, ponerle fecha, y el nà ºmero de la pregunta que se està ¡ respondiendo. En el caso de que se tenga un nà ºmero del alien registration number, deberà ¡ tambià ©n incluirse en dicha hoja adicional. Cuando una pregunta no aplique, responder N/A y cuando la respuesta correcta sea â€Å"ninguno†, anotar NONE. Pero no dejar en blanco ese espacio. Para adjuntar la documentacià ³n adicional, como pueden ser pasaportes, tarjetas de residencia, certificados de matrimonio, calificaciones escolares o profesionales, etc. Salvo que se especifique otra cosa, es suficiente adjuntar una fotocopia legible de los documentos. Es recomendable leer con detenimiento las instrucciones de cada formulario. Cabe destacar que si no es necesario enviar el original de un documento pero se envà ­a, USCIS no lo regresa. Debe traducirse al inglà ©s todo documentos que està © en otro idioma. En la mayorà ­a de los casos, no es necesario contratar a un traductor jurado, ni obtener la Apostilla de la Haya ni la firma de un notario pà ºblico. Como regla general, es suficiente que la traduccià ³n la realice una persona con buen conocimiento de los dos idiomas y que asà ­ lo certifique siguiendo este modelo de carta. El pago puede hacerse por money order o cheque o tarjeta de dà ©bito o crà ©dito. En este à ºltimo caso, solo si se envà ­a una solicitud a un lockbox de USCIS. En algunos casos, como en la solicitud I-131A de aplicacià ³n de documento para viajar, es posible pagar online. Si se paga mediante money order o cheque, debe ser pagable a U.S. Department of Homeland Security, por una cantidad en dà ³lares y el cheque o la money order debe ser de un banco radicado en Estados Unidos. Es muy importante no utilizar iniciales. Es decir, no escribir cosas como DHS o USCIS.   Precisamente la verificacià ³n de que se ha efectuado el pago es una de las primeras seà ±ales de que la oficina de inmigracià ³n ha recibido la peticià ³n. Si se desea pagar con una tarjeta de crà ©dito o dà ©bito Visa, MasterCard, American Express o Discovery debe completarse el formulario G-1450. Si cuando USCIS intenta cobrar no hay fondos suficientes, se rechazarà ¡ la solicitud ya que no intentarà ¡ el cobro una segunda vez. Para pagar con tarjeta de crà ©dito o dà ©bito debe tratarse de una peticià ³n o solicitud enviada a un lockbox de USCIS. Como ejemplo de dichas peticiones destacan I-130 para peticià ³n de familiar, I-485 para ajuste de estatus, N-400 para solicitar la ciudadanà ­a estadounidense por naturalizacià ³n, etc. Todos los documentos deben firmarse, se puede firmar en tinta azul o negra. Pero recordar que el formulario solo se puede completar en tinta de color negra. Bajo ningà ºn concepto utilizar colores tipo verde, rojo, etc., ya que la peticià ³n serà ¡ rechazada. Verificar si se califica para no pagar la tarifa  al USCIS. En casos muy especà ­ficos, puede solicitarse a USCIS no pagar por la cuota de una solicitud cuando pueda alegarse problemas econà ³micos y se està ¡n recibiendo beneficios como Medicaid, cupones de alimentos (SNAP), SSI o TANF. Mentir en una planilla para obtener un beneficio migratorio es un fraude de ley que puede tener  consecuencias graves. Planillas que pueden rellenarse electrà ³nicamente El USCIS permite que se completen por internet ciertas planillas en lo que se conoce como e-filing. Entre las planillas que pueden rellenarse electrà ³nicamente destacan el AR-11 para notificar el cambio de domicilio, el I-90 para reemplazar la tarjeta de residencia, el N-400 para solicitar la ciudadanà ­a estadounidense por naturalizacià ³n o el N-600 para la aplicacià ³n de la emisià ³n del Certificado de Ciudadanà ­a. Para completar de este modo las planillas serà ¡ necesario crearse previamente una cuenta en la pà ¡gina web del USCIS y seguir las instrucciones pertinentes para cada formulario. En estos casos de e-filing, el pago por la solicitud a la que se aplica puede hacerse mediante tarjeta de crà ©dito, dà ©bito o transferencia bancaria desde una cuenta corriente o de ahorro. Al acabar de rellenar el formulario se recibirà ¡ una confirmacià ³n de que el USCIS ha recibido la aplicacià ³n. En esa confirmacià ³n aparecerà ¡ una direccià ³n. Debe enviarse a dicha direccià ³n la documentacià ³n adicional que se necesita en los 7 dà ­as siguientes a haber rellenado la solicitud por internet. Estos documentos que deben adjuntarse està ¡n los que prueban la identidad de la persona que realiza la peticià ³n y tambià ©n su derecho al beneficio que solicita. Por ejemplo, copia de la tarjeta de residencia o de un certificado de nacimiento o matrimonio. El tipo de documentacià ³n adicional depende del tipo de solicitud. En general, serà ¡ suficiente una fotocopia legible del documento que se solicita y, si algà ºn documento està ¡ en un idioma distinto al inglà ©s, enviarlo traducido. Ademà ¡s hay que incluir como primera pà ¡gina la pà ¡gina en la que se ha imprimido la confirmacià ³n de haber realizado la peticià ³n por internet –sà ³lo esa hoja, no copias de toda la solicitud. En los casos en los que tambià ©n se deba enviar fotografà ­as en color tipo pasaporte, estas deben reunir los mismos requisitos que las fotos que se piden cuando se solicita una visa o pasaporte. Deben de tener menos de 30 dà ­as y anotar en el reverso con un là ¡piz el nà ºmero de confirmacià ³n de la solicitud rellenada por internet y, en los casos en los que sea necesario, el nà ºmero que corresponda al alien registration number. Si no se envà ­an estos documentos, es posible que se cancele la peticià ³n. En algunos casos, se recibirà ¡ una cara de Peticià ³n de Evidencia (RFE, siglas en inglà ©s) pidiendo la documentacià ³n y fijando un plazo para no enviarla. Sin esos documentos no se tramitarà ¡ la peticià ³n y se perderà ¡ el dinero ya abonado. Asesorà ­a para completar las planillas de Inmigracià ³n Si se desea obtener un beneficio migratorio es muy importante estar correctamente asesorado con un buen abogado. Si no se puede pagar, existen organizaciones reputadas que brindan ayuda para llenar los formularios migratorios. En el caso de ser mexicano, se puede llamar a un telà ©fono de consulta donde dan buenas referencias sobre donde buscar ayuda para estos casos. Cà ³mo seguir un caso migratorio Una vez que el USCIS recibe la papelerà ­a, la persona interesada tiene a su disposicià ³n distintas  maneras para informarse de cà ³mo va el caso, desde marcando a seguimiento online o a presentarse en una oficina migratoria. Sin embargo, cabe destacar que los formularios tienen un tiempo de tramitacià ³n que depende de su categorà ­a y de la oficina que debe tramitarlo. USCIS no darà ¡ ninguna informacià ³n mientras no llega el tiempo de procesamiento porque, sencillamente, no tiene nada de lo que brindar informacià ³n. Puntos Clave: rellenar formularios de USCIS Los formularios de USCIS pueden obtenerse gratuitamente en la pà ¡gina oficial del Servicio de Inmigracià ³n.Los formularios pueden ser en papel y, en algunas solicitudes, es posible utilizar el sistema e-filing, es decir, solicitar un beneficio o presentar una peticià ³n por internet.Todos los formularios deben firmarse.Los formularios en papel deben completarse en tinta negra, escribir N/A como respuesta a las preguntas que no aplican y NONE cuando la respuesta sea ninguno.Pueden aà ±adirse hojas en blanco para incorporar mà ¡s informacià ³n.Toda la documentacià ³n adjunta debe traducirse al inglà ©s, si estuviera en un idioma distintoEn principio, no debe enviarse documentacià ³n original y es suficiente copia legible.Puede pagarse con money order, cheque o tarjeta de crà ©dito o dà ©bito.Mentir en un formulario de USCIS para obtener un beneficio migratorio es un fraude de ley, el cual tiene consecuencias graves. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal para ningà ºn caso concreto.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Research Methods Are Based On Aims And Understanding The...

1. Qualitive research methods are based on aims and understanding the world through ideas, beliefs, practices and values, they do this by using the term meaning over measurement. Qualitive researchers try to understand society by analysing feeling and words rather than numbers and data. However unlike Quantitive researchers they use the scientific approach and believe that the world can be proved using number and percentages. I have chosen to use Qualitive research because I think it is a better way of understanding the world because I think it is the most appropriate way of knowing what people’s experiences and attitudes of the world are. For instance methods such as interviews, conversation and focus groups which create a nice environment for people to discuss their feelings and beliefs on a certain topic. With all the information you have gathered from a focus group, you then can take that information to create a hypothesis. Then from there you can come up with a theory; however it won’t necessarily prove anything to an exact it will only come from what we have all ready experienced in our lives. Whereas Qualitive approach would take a survey on how much, or how much and this method would then prove evidence by data. The use of rigorous qualitative research methods can enhance the development of quality measures the development and dissemination of comparative quality reports as well as quality improvement efforts , Sofaer’(2002) . Also in my opinion I believe thatShow MoreRelatedSociology as a Science Essay1149 Words   |  5 Pagesreason, experience and experiment to the natural and social world. Sociologists approached the study of society and change by using scientific means as they were inspired by the recognition of the value of scientific principles and procedures. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

Illegal Immigration in America (Persuasive Essay) Free Essays

Illegal immigration in America Immigrating to America is a benefit and good because it allows people to seek a new job, new life and have access to a brighter future for example, the pilgrims on the Mayflower. They immigrated to America for a new life and a brighter future. Immigrants, both legal and illegal continue to immigrate to the United States of America for opportunities. We will write a custom essay sample on Illegal Immigration in America (Persuasive Essay) or any similar topic only for you Order Now But illegal immigrants have a good and bad effect to the economy and the country. For example illegal immigrants are committing a crime. In most instances, they did not apply for a visa at a U. S. Consulate, they did not pay the visa application fees, they were not interviewed for worthiness to enter the U. S. , their backgrounds were not checked to see if they were dangerous criminals or narcotics traffickers and they obviously failed to respect the U. S. ‘s laws. Furthermore, they often times illegally work in the U. S. , and they steal or illegally use somebody else’s Social Security number to gain employment. Therefore, many times an illegal alien breaks three federal laws. They work for wages much less than the going-American wage, which results in lower wages for the people who compete against them and need better wages the most – working class US citizens and legal residents. This results in many Americans earning less money and paying less taxes than they should, and further grows the ever-increasing wealth gap between the rich and the poor and negatively impacts the federal budget deficit. A great number of illegal aliens also bring dangerous drugs, such as cocaine, heroin and methamphetamine. Illegal alien, Mexican national narcotics traffickers, for example, dominate the distribution of those drugs through-out most regions of the U. S. , except for South Florida and New England. 33% of all prisoners in federal penitentiaries are foreign nationals, and most of them are incarcerated for drug trafficking. The conclusion is that illegal immigration is not good because of trafficking, import on drugs and illegal immigrants committing crime. Plus the wages for the illegal immigrants are lower than the legal immigrants. How to cite Illegal Immigration in America (Persuasive Essay), Essays

Friday, December 6, 2019

Acceptance free essay sample

I was lying down, resting. I felt my tongue in my mouth and it was dry, so I got up to get a bottle of water from the fridge to quench my thirst. As I got up he came in, my dad, my Abba, he was gone for so long on his business trip. He was gone so long that I had thought he died. First thing I did was give him a giant hug, squeezing him while his beard poked me in the neck. We caught up. I told him about the Jewish Day School, Shalhevet, that I was going to because that’s what he wanted, talked about my bar mitzvah, and about all my friends at school. There was something I needed to remember. When I finally realized what it was I started crying but I didn’t care. I knew it was a dream, but I stayed with him as long as I could because I didn’t know how long I had or if I would ever see him again. We will write a custom essay sample on Acceptance or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I was twelve when I said goodbye. I was the last person from my family to see him. I’ve had to cope with this pain for five years. When I say cope I mean it, because when you lose someone you don’t get over the pain, all you can do is miss him or her less. The hardest part of this tragedy was that I barely knew him. I was not close to my dad; in fact it was that year, 6th grade, when I began to know who my dad was. This college application process has brought many things in to the light for me. There were questions about my parents and I could answer most of them for my mom just fine, but when it came to my dad I couldn’t even fill out his name because I didn’t know it. This is not a case of repression or memory encoding failure, the fact was plain and simple, I didn’t know my father. The easiest part for me was the time right when he passed. In hindsight, I realize what I did was extremely unhealthy but I developed some of my best ideas during this time and since I entered high school I haven’t been able to tap in to that part of my mind until recently. The time after his death, I shut down. I, almost literally, became a robot. I developed a logical standpoint on everything in my life. The way that I dealt with my pain was with a simple mantra: â€Å"He had to die so that I could reach my full potential.† I know that I have not reached my full potential, yet. I am still discovering who I am. I am growing, maturing, learning and I owe it to the stranger I called Abba. He was the toughest person I knew, my role model. I love him even now and thanks to him my life will never be the same. This isn’t anger or sadness, but this is acceptance and gratitude because I would not be the person I am today without him, MY DAD. Acceptance free essay sample Peering inside the small, dark space, I saw only bills. Our plain white mailbox had received the majority of my attention for nearly three weeks, as my 11th birthday approached. The envelope I was going to receive would arrive any day, bearing its emerald ink and curvy handwriting. My name wasn’t Harry Potter, but I was expecting my letter of acceptance to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to read similarly to his. For years I felt like an outcast; I didn’t know who I was, or who I was supposed to become. Set apart from the kids I knew at school by my mismatched socks and unkempt hair, I was an outsidereven to myself. I was different, and as a result, I was ashamed. Uncomfortable in my own tan skin, I spent my summers in the fictional world J.K. Rowling created, a world I undoubtedly belonged in. We will write a custom essay sample on Acceptance or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I wanted to be in a place where it was ordinary to see a flying car or a three headed dog, where the eccentric and strange were normal, the weird and the extraordinary acceptable. It would mean that everything I embodied and everything I stood for was okay. As Harry’s story progressed, so did my self exploration. His lightening-bolt scar became a beacon of hope for the wizarding world, and for me as well. He didn’t hide the jagged wound branded on his forehead; it was a mark of character and strength. Things weren’t easy for HarryVoldemort made sure of that, but the scar never faded. Slowly I became acquainted with myself, my dreams and my talents. I loved my red cowgirl boots and my purple leggings; I loved that they made me me. I learned to face the pressures of school, proudly wearing my lucky socks in gym and eating tomato sandwiches at snack time. I embraced what set me apartmy unrelenting geekdom. Rowling helped me find myself through Latin-based spells and bubbling potions, but it was Harry who sustained me through my gawky adolescence. I learned not to hide who I am because my spirit was a gift. What set me apart became a pivotal part of my character, and people learned to love it. As my high school transcript clearly demonstrates, my letter never came. Instead, Hogwarts sent me a sense of self. I was empowered by my own desires and imagination ignited by cauldrons and quidditch. Now, I am decisive in my decisions and firm in my beliefs, which will allow me to grow into a proud, responsible member of society. I’m lucky I found all of this for myselfa Hogwarts post-owl would never have been able to carry it all the way from London.